30 Idioms and Food Sayings in Spanish
The Spanish language is full of expressions and proverbs that reflect the cultural richness of its speakers.
Today, we are going to reveal to you 30 Idioms and Sayings Related to Food.
There is no denying that food plays a central role in the lives of the Spanish, and understanding its place in society is key to immersing yourself in the Spanish-speaking world.
La Spanish cuisine It is famous worldwide, and it is not only because of how rich it is, but also because of the importance it has when it comes to sharing moments around a table.
The Spanish come good eating as a social event, an opportunity to connect with friends and family, and a way to celebrate life.
This is a very love for food is reflected in a large number of proverbs and idiomatic expressions that are used daily in Spain.
For foreign students of Spanish, learning these expressions not only will expand its vocabulary, but it will also allow them to fully immerse themselves in the way of thinking and feeling of the Spanish.
Furthermore, using these expressions in daily conversations with native speakers will allow them to establish a deeper connection and authentic with the Spanish.
Do you want to learn these sayings, expressions and meanings on food in spanish?
So let's get to it!
20 Spanish Idioms With Food
In today's article we are going to see 20 idioms and the 10 best sayings about food
Do you know what the difference between proverb and idiom?
The sayings are short sentences give advice or lessons popular.
In contrast, idiomatic expressions, also called Spanish idioms, are combinations of words that usually express metaphors o figurative meanings.
Watching the examples of idioms throughout the article you will understand it better 😉.
Without further delay, we start with 20 expressions in spanish.
be even in the soup
Amongst the popular spanish sayings, we have this one that puts the soup as the main food.
It means that something has presence everywhere and it is excessive or heavy.
For example:
- that song is so popular exceeding it's even in the soup.
Go fry asparagus
This expression is used to express the wish that someone leave.
It must be made clear that it is a rude way of asking someone to leave, people usually say it when they are angry.
For example:
- You have hurt me a lot. I do not want to see you anymore. ohGo to hell!
something is a piece of cake
indicates that something is very easy of doing. It suggests that not much effort or skill is required to complete it.
For example:
- Don't worry about the exam it's a piece of cake for me.
get like a tomato
We also have spanish idioms with the tomatoes 🍅.
It means to blush or blush due to embarrassment, shyness or surprise.
It is used to describe someone's reaction when feel uncomfortable.
For example:
- When asked about her love life, he turned like a tomato.
Be better than bread
This is one of the Spanish expressions what else is said
It is used to describe someone kind, generous and of good heart.
For example:
- My grandmother it's better than bread. She is always willing to help those who need it.
Go stepping on eggs
It is used when someone walks or does something very slowly or with great caution so as not to make mistakes.
For example:
- This car is going 60 kilometers per hour on the highway. He is stepping on eggs.
Put all the meat on the spit
It means to do everything possible or try your best to get the best result in a given situation.
For example:
- The football team put all the meat on the spit in the final match to win the championship.
give them to someone with cheese
This expression is used when someone deceives or manipulates another person for some personal gain.
For example:
- That seller cheated me, he gave them to me with cheese by selling me a defective product.
be a sausage
People who steal money or other personal belongings from other people are jerks. That is, they are Thieves.
For example:
- Before, I was walking calmly down the street and a guy tried to steal my wallet. Slight sausage!
be my better half
Don't stop the food phrases!
This expression refers to the Perfect Match or the ideal life partner.
Many people spend their lives looking for their better half. Do you think it exists?
For example:
- My girlfriend is my better halfWe complement each other perfectly and have the same sense of humor.
have bad milk
Describes someone with a lot of character or a bad temper. It is used to refer to people who usually to be in a bad mood or that they are very temperamental.
For example:
- If I were you, I would wait a bit to talk to Marcos. Now he's in a bad mood And it's scary when it gets like that.
be a melon
There are many Spanish phrases funny. This is another one of them.
Melons are large, round, very sweet green and yellow fruits that are eaten during the summer.
The expression refers to someone naive or dumb, that it is difficult for him to understand things.
For example:
- Julian it's a melonHe always falls for the same jokes.
something doesn't matter a cucumber
This is one of the Spanish sayings and short food sayings.
When we name this vegetable as the protagonist, we are indicating that something we don't care at all.
It is something that is totally indifferent to me.
For example:
- I don't care what others think of me. ohI don't give a damn!
This expression sounds a bit vulgar. The most correct way to say this is with the verb "I don't care".
get out a churro
Churros are those delicious elongated, curly-shaped sweets that we Valencians eat during the Fallas.
The expression is used to indicate that something has gone wrong or in a disorderly way, much worse than how I had it in mind before doing it.
For example:
- The drawing I got a churroIt doesn't look like what I wanted to do at all.
Flip the tortilla
We continue with more food phrases.
This expression is used to say that a situation that was in a certain way, has been completely changed, for better or worse.
Many times it is said to indicate that something that was unfavorable is now positive.
For example:
- I didn't like what I was studying so I decided flip the tortilla and start a new career.
be like a cheese
Cheese is good, right?
Well, we use this expression when a person is very attractive 😁.
For example:
- Since she started training, Alicia it's like cheese.
go all milk
It means to go to a very high speed or move quickly.
For example:
- The car went down the road full milk, exceeding all speed limits.
Be the one to cut the cod
In every social group there is a person who exercises leader role or who has the initiative to make plans.
That person is the one who cuts the cod.
For example:
- In our group, Lolo is the one who cuts the cod. He always offers very interesting plans and knows how to organize them very well.
If you wonder what is the origin of the expression cut the cod, the most accepted theory explains that it was used in the past when the father of the family distributed the dishes and cut the cod himself, since the father was the person who acted as leader in the house.
Catch someone red-handed
It means discovering someone at the exact moment in which is doing something wrong or illegal.
It's like catching someone in the act.
For example:
- Police caught the thief caught red handed while trying to rob the jewelry store.
give someone pumpkins
Pumpkins are those orange fruits that are used on Halloween to decorate houses and stores.
This expression is used to reject someone romantically, that is, denying a love proposal or date.
For example:
- I declared my love to her, but she he gave me pumpkins.
10 food sayings in Spanish
We've already seen 20 expressions with food. Brilliant!
Now it's time to see the 10 food sayings and their meaning.
These sayings in spanish They convey great teachings about life.
So if you want expand your wisdom, pay attention 😉.
With you bread and onion
we started these old sayings with bread and onion.
What a curious combination! TRUE?
This is a very short saying It means that when you truly love someone, you are willing to face any adversity and difficulty next to that person.
For example:
- Although we are going through difficult times financially, with you bread and onion, My love.
Trouble times with bread are lesser
More examples of sayings with bread?
As you can see, in Spanish we have many expressions and sayings with this food.
You can get an idea of how important bread has been and continues to be in our gastronomy.
In fact, it is very rare for a Spaniard to eat a plate of food without bread as a side dish 😋.
This saying states that any adversity is better with food. Especially if it's delicious.
Food can provide comfort and ease worries, at least temporarily.
For example:
- After a long day at work, a good plate of food comforts me. Trouble times with bread are lesser.
Not eating for having eaten is not wasted time
We continue to expand our Spanish gastronomic proverb.
This is a very food saying It can be confusing at first glance, but he conveys a great message about health in his words.
It means that we should not worry if when the time comes to do something concrete we cannot do it because we have already done it before. For example, if we talk about food, it's okay if you're not hungry at dinner time because you've had a lot of snacks.
Avoid overeating it will always be good for our health.
For example:
- I've already eaten enough, I don't want more. Not eating for having eaten is not wasted time.
In the absence of bread, good are cakes
Is there any saying about acceptance of reality?
Well yes, this same one is used to express conformity in a situation in which what is desired is not obtained, but it is accepted what is available as an acceptable alternative.
For example:
- We don't have ice cream but in the absence of bread, good are cakes. Let's enjoy a different dessert.
When you are a father, you will eat eggs
Eggs were very valuable foods in the past, easy to get and with a lot of nutritional value.
Men were the ones who worked hard to bring home money and support the family.
For this reason, some of the richest and most nutritious foods were reserved for parents.
Hence this expression, if you want to deserve the eggs, you must work hard, take responsibility and to mature.
What does not kill you, get you fat
This is another spanish sayings popular.
It is used when you are eating something dubious quality, but it's going to be eaten anyway.
We know that this food, if it doesn't kill us, will make us fat, but it's so good that Can't resist temptation.
For example:
- I'm going to order the three chocolate cake. What does not kill you, get you fat.
The commandment of the poor: before bursting, that on
This is one of the old sayings of grandparents that they repeated the most about the food.
It reflects the idea that in situations of scarcity or poverty, people prefer consume everything available, even in excess, before allowing anything to go to waste.
For example:
- At my grandparents' house, the commandment was clear: before bursting, what about. They didn't waste a single piece of food.
Ser Juan Palomo: I cook it, I eat it
This is one of the funny food sayings.
This saying expresses the independence and self-sufficiency of a person who can solve their problems or assume their responsibilities without depending on others.
For example:
- I'm Juan Palomo in the kitchen, I cook it, I eat it. I can prepare my own dishes.
Empty gut, heart without joy
This is a very saying about food emphasizes that it is difficult to be happy or joyful when you are hungry or not eaten enough.
For example:
- Before you go to work, remember to have breakfast, because a Empty gut, heart without joy.
To bread, bread and to wine, wine
This is the last of the Spanish popular sayings from our list.
It is a saying that promotes la honesty and clarity when communicating.
It means saying things as they are, without detours or ambiguities, to avoid misunderstandings.
For example:
- I prefer to be direct and say things as clearly as possible. To bread, bread, and to wine, wine.
activities to practice
And we have finished our Spanish proverbs.
Now that you know the 30 idioms and typical spanish sayings about food, it's time to practice them with activities to reinforce learning.
In the first activity you will review the idiomatic expressions.
You must match each sentence with the most appropriate expression.
Now you have to do the same but with the popular food sayings.
Drag each saying to its corresponding space.
Well this has been all!
now you know many sayings and proverbs about meals that you can apply in your day to day when you talk to your Spanish-speaking friends, I'm sure they love it.
Do you like these vocabulary topics and want to learn more?
Well, come to our face-to-face Spanish courses y online en Hispania, escuela de español.
Here you will come out speaking Spanish as if you were born in Spain 👌🏻.
Of all the sayings and expressions seen, which one do you like the most?
Is there one that says the same in your language?
Put a comment and we'll chat 🙌🏻
Article written by Carlos Martínez for Hispania, escuela de español.
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