9 tips to learn Spanish by watching movies and series Hispania, escuela de español



9 Tips to learn Spanish by watching movies and series


Learning or improving a language costs time and effort, you will not only need to study it, you will also have to speak, read and listen to it.

But that doesn't have to be boring! En Hispania, escuela de español, we know it very well and for that reason we tell you a technique to learn fun and entertaining Spanish.

How about learning new vocabulary and improving listening comprehension while having fun?

Are you interested in meeting her? So don't stop reading 9 tips that will help you a lot to learn Spanishl watching series or movies.

Let's go with the tips!


1. Set some learning objectives


When learning a language it is very important set learning or improvement goals and this same thing happens when you want to learn Spanish.

Being clear about our objectives allows us to build the process, the path to follow to learn a new language.

The objectives have to meet a series of requirements to be well defined:

  • They have to be the most clear and specific as possible, so that everyone can understand these learning objectives.
  • They must be measurable, in this way we will know what we have achieved and what we still have to achieve, on the indicated date.
  • Of course they have to be realistic and achievable knowing whether or not we have the necessary resources to achieve those goals.
  • And finally, we have to mark a specific date to achieve our goals. If you want to learn Spanish by watching television series or movies, andYour date has to be immovable (it's not worth making excuses like your cat ate your homework and that's why you don't show up, we know each other). 😉

Clear and detailed objectives when we learn or improve our level of Spanish will let us know when we have reached our goal, so as not to waste time without knowing where arrive and as soon as weather…

And stay motivated!


2. Watch movies and series with subtitles


Watch movies and series in original version with subtitles in Spanish It is the star advice that we want to talk to you about.

If you are interested in cinema, in this article in which we write about the the best films to learn Spanish according level of Spanish whatever you have, you'll love it too.

It is ideal that subtitles are in the same language What do you want to learn.

This way you can listen and watch the movie or series at the same time, making it easier to understand the context in question and start learning almost without realizing it.

Possibly, the first movies or television series you see may seem complicated depending on your level of Spanish... 

For this reason, if you are just starting out, we recommend watching them with subtitles in your native language.

But as soon as you can, go to watch the movies on spanish with subtitles also in spanish, which will help you recognize words or expressions, pronunciations and sound patterns and finally you get used to listening. 

With the passage of time and you reach an intermediate level, you will understand more and will use the subtitles only to understand certain expressions or as a reference.  

When you have a good level of Spanish and you don't need subtitles so much to watch movies or series, sometimes these subtitles will help you know what has been said in certain situations if it hasn't been understood well.

We can compare the subtitles with the training wheels of the bike: they will help you to take confidenceianza until finally you don't need them... And then you'll know you're really moving forward!



Watch movies or series that you like and know advice from Hispania, escuela de español



3. Choose movies or series that you like and know


And if you want to go ahead...

Choose movies or series in original version with subtitles that you like and you have already seen to start learning or practicing Spanish.

Watching your favorite movies again in the original version will help you understand them better, since you'll know what the plot is about and you won't feel lost, even if you don't understand parts of what they're talking about.

Movies or television series where technical language abounds, such as those that deal with medical, legal and lawyer, scientific or research issues, colloquial languages ​​or slang from social sectors, etc. they can be more complicated to understand, even if you like them.

Those, leave them for later. 😉

Other movies or series to learn that you should leave for later are those in which the actors speak with a marked accent, particular to some Spanish region or Latin America if you're not used to that colloquial language.

It will also be more difficult for you to understand if your level of Spanish is not yet very high.

In contrast, cartoon movies or series They are a very good option to learn a language at a basic or intermediate level, since the plot is usually simpler and shorter as they are aimed at a child audience.

On the other hand, the voices in cartoons are clearer and more understandable than in movies or series.

For these reasons, watching cartoons to learn Spanish can be ideal.

Try movies or series whose protagonists speak standard spanish with clear pronunciations and colloquial language, which is close to the Spanish you study. 

To recap, if you are just starting out and you don't want to get frustrated, watch cartoons to learn Spanish or movies that you already know.


4. Start small with subtitles in your native language


Starting to learn a native language is not always easy. For this reason, we recommend starting small. 

Al beginning, start watching movies and series in Spanish with subtitles in your mother tongue, to familiarize yourself with the language.

The brain, over time, will eventually figure out what's going on, based on the context of what you're seeing and hearing.

As soon as you can, change the subtitles to the Spanish language and stay as long as necessary in this situation, until little by little you eliminate the subtitles from your life.

If you do this, learning Spanish by watching series or movies in the original version will be faster than you thought.


5. Review grammar and write down new vocabulary


Another very important aspect to learn Spanish is review grammar and write down new words that you do not know their meaning and they appear in the dialogues of television series or movies. This way you will learn new vocabulary.

However, do not stop the movie or series every time words you do not know appear. And don't start looking for its meaning at that moment!

If you do this, what you are seeing will be eternal, you will get bored and lose concentration.

When you finish watching the series or movie you will have the words written down, you will remember them and you can find out its meaning, in addition to practicing Spanish and its pronunciation.

You can also write sentences containing those words and review grammar

In these situations, subtitles in Spanish are very useful, since they allow you to see how these words are written and how they are pronounced.ian. 

At first, you will surely want to write down all the words that you do not know from the series in Spanish or movies that you watch, but do not be obsessed either; it's not good, and in some situations you'll have an endless list of words you don't know and may not use. This can make learning Spanish seem more difficult than it is.

The important is point and learn those words that are most useful to you in your day to speak Spanish.  



Have a dictionary or translator nearby to look up new words you don't know advice from Hispania, escuela de español



6. Always have your dictionary or translator close by


As we have commented in the previous advice, once the movies or series in Spanish that we are watching end, andIt's time to use the dictionary or translator to search for the new words you have written down or analyze the verb tenses you have heard and did not know.

It is also a good time for, in addition to discover its meaning you can practice their pronunciation and create sentences with these words.

This will help you use these new words in your own conversations and practice Spanish with a richer vocabulary.


7. Repeat out loud the pronunciation of words or phrases you want to learn


Repeat over and over again out loud la pronunciation of words or phrases you want to learn.

This method will help you memorize and learn to pronounce the words learned in Spanish. 

Imitate how I pronounceian the characters, especially if they have a clear pronunciation, is a ideal exercise to learn to pronounce the native language.

To do this, select fragments of the series or movie in the original version and imitate their pronunciation by repeating what they say.

You can practice these fragments if you record them while repeat the pronunciation out loud and then compare your pronunciation with that of the characters.

And the next day, in Spanish class, drop those new words or phrases! You will see the surprised face of your Spanish teacher 😀


8. Tell in Spanish as a summary the movie or series you have seen


The penultimate advice that we propose is the following:

Tell the story summarized in spanish of the movie or series that you have seen your friends, family, colleagues, etc. who speak or studyian Spanish.

So they can make you any grammar tips or some interesting new word you might learn.

Talking about cinema in your Spanish classes can be a very interesting topic. You will learn different vocabulary and you will get to know your classmates better.


9. Dedicate every day at least 15 or 20 minutes to watch something in Spanish 


Surely you routinely watch television series like Las chicas del cable o Money Heist (la casa de papel) en Netflix has everything , HBO true? 

On these platforms there are many movies and series to learn Spanish.

Well, this advice is not going to cost you anything, you'll see.

Every time you go to watch an episode of your favorite series or a movie in your native language, just reserve a little bit beforehand. 

For what?

Well, to see something you like in Spanish, of course. What minimum 15 to 20 minutes.

However, it is most appropriate see the eldest series or movie time (the more the better). But not everyone has the same time available or wants to invest their disconnection time watching series in another language.

In this way, you will be able to have another way of learning Spanish in a more fun and enjoyable way.

These are our 9 tips to learn Spanish by watching series and movies

Is there a series or movie that you want to see again?

Maybe it's time to change the subtitles to Spanish when you see The Money Heist… or better yet, watch it without subtitles! 🙂

Do you have other tips for learning Spanish? If you put into practice others that we have not talked about, tell us in comments sI'm sure we all learn together.

you can learn Spanish following these tips that he offers you Hispania, escuela de español.

And, of course, if you want to learn or improve your Spanish and just watching series and movies in the original version knows little, we are waiting for you in our online Spanish courses.

En Hispania, escuela de español. You can practice in Spanish classes with your classmates and share with them the best movies or series you have seen.


We look forward to seeing you soon!

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