Characters from Spanish comics. Hispania, escuela de español

The 7 most famous comic characters in Spain

In this blog we have talked many times about Literature as a fantastic means to learn Spanish. 

We have recommended the best books to improve your Spanish, but we had never talked about it before comic.

So the time has come!

Spain has contributed a rich tradition of comics and iconic characters that have left their mark on the hearts of readers.

If you are a fan of the ninth art, join us on this journey where you will meet the most famous comic characters created by Spanish authors.

In addition to these characters, we will tell you about their stories, their creators and some of the best strips you can read.

For those interested in to learn Spanish, immersing yourself in the world of comics offers an exciting way to improve your reading comprehension and vocabulary.

Although if you really want to take a leap in your Spanish proficiency, it is best to attend classes with teachers, as in Hispania, escuela de español.

We are in the Valencia city and here you can study Spanish with the best teaching team.

Furthermore, in our Spanish courses You will find a wide range of classes by level that will adapt perfectly to you.

But let's get back to the exciting world of comics!

You will see how the universe of Spanish comics is full of fun, emotion and a rich cultural background that deserves to be explored.

Do you want to get into this adventure? Well let's start!


Mortadelo and Filemon


Mortadelo and Filemon


If you ask a Spaniard about what is the most famous comic in SpainI will surely answer you Mortadelo and Filemon.

Who are these two comics characters (word we use in Spain to talk about comics) so popular?

Mortadelo and Filemón are two agents from the TIA (Aeroterráquea Investigation Technicians), an espionage and security agency that would be something like the CIA but Spanish-style and with a lot of parody.

bologna He is a tall, bald man and dresses in a black suit. 

He has the ability to practically turn into anyone he wants with his incredible costumes.

He is a brilliantly written character, as he mixes mischief and wit with the purest innocence of a child and an extreme clumsiness that causes his plans to always go wrong.

On the other hand, Philemon is your partner. He is a shorter man and only has two hairs on his head. He wears characteristic red pants and a white shirt.

He is Mortadelo's superior and always suffers the bad consequences of his partner's crazy ideas, which drive him crazy.

The stories of Mortadelo and Filemón are characterized by their absurd humor, crazy situations and a style of cartoon drawing

The plots usually revolve around espionage and security missions, which Mortadelo and Filemón must carry out to protect society.

However, due to Mortadelo's clumsiness, his missions often end in disaster, causing comical and action-packed situations.

Mortadelo and Filemón were created by the prolific Spanish author Francisco Ibanez in 1958. 

These comics have conquered the hearts of several generations of readers in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries. 

Some of the most notable comics from Mortadelo and Filemón are El atomic sulfate, The case of cod or the collection The 35th anniversary.






We are before one of the classic spanish comics.

Superlópez is a comic character created by the Spanish cartoonist Juan López Fernández, better known as JanIn 1973. 

Superlópez is actually Juan López, an ordinary office worker who acquires superpowers after being exposed to a meteor shower. 

Take the role of superhero to fight crime and protect citizens, although it is often shown as a clumsy and naive hero, which adds a touch of humor to their adventures.

Superlópez's stories combine elements of the superhero genre with satirical humor and social criticism

Throughout his adventures, Superlópez faces a variety of villains, from aliens to corrupt businessmen, while dealing with the complications of his everyday life and his secret identity. 

Some of the most notable comics from Superlópez are The supergroup, The Cubeheads o The longest week.


Zipi and Zape


Zipi and Zape


Zipi and Zape It's another duo characters of famous spanish comics in our country.  

They are two naughty twin brothers that star in funny stories. 

Jose Escobar He is the author of these comics that began to be published in 1948. 

The two brothers are around 10 and 11 years old. Zipi is the younger brother, the blonde one. The dark one is Zape, a little older.

Together they embark on a variety of adventures and pranks that lead them to confront authoritarian adults, solve mysteries, and enjoy life without worries.

His antics always piss off his parents and teachers. But despite their rebellious nature, the two brothers always show a big heart and a sense of justice, which makes them endearing characters.

In its day, Zipi and Zape was very popular because, despite being stories starring children, they did not have the childish tone typical of comics of the time. 

The music is taken from famous comics for children and adults alike.

Amongst the most popular comics from Zipi and Zape we have The barrel of time o The invisible boy among many others.


Captain Thunder


Captain Thunder


This is another classic spanish comics.

Captain Thunder is a legendary medieval hero who stars in a comic series created by the screenwriter Víctor Mora and the cartoonist Miguel Ambrosio Zaragoza in 1956. 

The main character, Captain Thunder, is a brave knight who fights for justice and freedom in medieval Spain.

Accompanied by his loyalists Goliath friends y Crispin, as well as for his beloved Sigrid, Captain Thunder faces a variety of villains and challenges in his epic adventures.

The stories of Captain Trueno are full of action, adventure and romance, set in a medieval world full of dangers and mysteries. 

Captain Thunder is a fair, brave and kind character, who confronts tyrants and defends the weak. 

Ambrós's drawing style is detailed and expressive, with vignettes that highlight the spectacular of combat scenes and exotic landscapes.

We Spaniards also have fascinating heroes, and this is one of them.

Some of Captain Thunder's most iconic adventures are The ghost ship y The circle of fire.


Mrs. Urraca


Mrs. Urraca


The character of Mrs. Urraca stands out from the rest of old spanish comics because it is defined by being a really person evil.

Created by the artist George, she is the protagonist of these stories that are set in post-war Spain. 

She is portrayed as an older woman, always dressed in black, with a long, hooked nose, round glasses and little hair. 

He always carries an umbrella with him that he uses as a weapon to hit other characters instead of protecting himself from the rain. 

Loves it cause trouble and promote evil among people, taking advantage of the weakest or innocent.

Although her goal is to do harm, her plans often go awry and she ends up defeated. 

Despite her evil, Doña Urraca is a comical character who, through black humor, provokes laughter.


Anacleto secret agent


Anacleto: secret agent


Anacletus is another famous spanish comics.

The protagonist, Anacleto, is a unconventional secret agent. 

He is clumsy, clueless and not very skilled at his job, which results in comical and chaotic situations. 

Despite his flaws, Anacleto always manages to solve your missions, although not in the most traditional or elegant way. 

Its appearance is usually that of a common man and ordinary, which contrasts with the stereotype of the sophisticated and skilled secret agent.

Manuel Vazquez Gallego He created the Anacleto stories in the 60s, in a context marked by the rise of humorous comics in Spain. 

Some of the best comics of Anacleto are The evil Vázquez, The terror of spies o Cases to carrycots.


The Warrior with the Mask


The Warrior with the Mask


Together with Captain Thunderon the Mask Warrior is ours spanish hero

The curious thing about its appearance is that it mixes a medieval armor outfit with the classic one. superhero mask.

These famous comics Spanish They were created by the screenwriter and artist Manuel Gago in 1944. 

Like Captain Trueno, he is another hero of medieval Spain who fights against injustice and tyranny.

His real identity is unknown, as he hides behind a mask that gives him his name. 

He is a brave warrior, skilled in swordsmanship and cunning in strategy, who defends the oppressed and combats the villains who threaten the peace of the kingdom.

Throughout its years of publication, El Guerrero del Antifaz starred in numerous exciting stories that led him to face a wide variety of enemies, from evil nobles to bandits and sorcerers. 

Some most important stories whether they are devil rider, Motamid's treasure o Ferdinand prisoner.

And up to here 7 most famous comic characters in Spain

Now you have a fairly extensive knowledge of our most important comics and graphic comic characters.

Will you dare to read one?

Do you know others that you would include on this list?

Leave your comment and we'll chat.

Now, read in Spanish and enjoy.



Article written by Carlos Martínez for Hispania, escuela de español.

1 comment on “The 7 most famous comic characters in Spain”

  1. 124dd102fabfb1c813be41fb1e9464e1?s=50&d=mm&r=g

    Mortadelo y Filemón kende ik als Paling & Co, waarvan overigens een animatie reeks is gemaakt die je op YT kan bekijken (in het Duits) en ook Zipi en Zapi – ik geloof dat ik een aantal verhalen in pocket albums bezat die plezant en onderhoudend waren .

    Maar er was een album dat mijn moeder ooit voor me kocht toen ik ziek in bed lag met een zware keelontsteking. Ik vermoed dat het Spaans van origine was; in elk geval speelde het zich af in Spanje, ergens in de vroege middeleeuwen. Het was one komische avonturenstrip. Titel van het verhaal ontgaat me helemaal, ook de naam van de stripheld, die zwart haar had en een witte schapenwollen jasje droeg over een ontbloot bovenlijf. Wat ik me herinner is dat ze in een desolaat gebied een garnizoen Romeinse soldaten tegen het lijf lopen die het oude Hispania achtergebleven zijn en niet weten dat het Romeinse Rijk allang ondergegaan is. Ik kan me volstrekt niet de titel van de reeks herinneren, wat een beetje sneu is, want ik zou het graag 's herlezen als ik het ergens tegenkom…

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