Adjectives with ser and estar. Hispania, escuela de español

Adjectives of the verb ser and adjectives of the verb estar

Could you tell me which words correspond to the photos above?

The music is taken from adjectives, and the first three go with the the verb "ser".

The music is taken from "ser" famous, "ser" natural y "ser" required.

The other images correspond to the the verb 'estar', and they are 'estar' full, 'estar' angry y 'estar' available.

Had you guessed them?

As you can see, today we have a very interesting topic, a topic that drives our students a little crazy.ianyour.

We are going to talk to you about the adjectives with "ser" y 'estar'.

But not of the adjectives that changeian of meaning with "ser" y 'estar', we already wrote an article about that.

We will see adjectives that only go with the the verb "ser", y adjectives that only go with the verb 'estar'.

We will explain to you 20 adjectives with meaning in total, 10 of each verb.

We will also give you examples so that you understand them better, and at the end we will do a sentences with adjectives to practice.

The choice of these adjectives is due to the fact that they tend to be confusing for many students.ianyou, and many times they don't know if they used with the verb to be.

We hope that after the article it will be clear to you which verb each one goes with. For sure yes! 😉

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And now, we begin today's topic: adjectives that can only go with verbs to be and to be.

To the mess!


Verb ser for qualities and estar for states. Hispania, escuela de español


Being and being: qualities and states


Before seeing these adjectives in spanish, it is convenient to review the two main uses of "ser" y 'estar': The qualities and states.

It is important because, if you understand this, you will see that there is a logic in the use of these adjectives with their meaning in the verbs "ser" and to be.

Although sometimes there are exceptions and this rule does not work. In these cases, you have no choice but to learn those adjectives that go with to be and to be based on a lot of practice.

Another aspect to highlight is that the words that we are going to see have gender and number because they are adjectives. 

Which means that the adjective can change depending on whether the subject is masculine, feminine, singular or plural.

Remember that adjectives that end in -o they are masculine and -a female. Completions -ist, -e or consonant they work the same for male and female.


Verb to be: qualities of the subject


With the verb to be we express qualities. That is, adjectives that are part of the subject. They tend to be permanent.

El meaning of being as qualities it covers many types of subjects.

In people, for example, you can talk about Phisical characteristic, such as height or hair color, or personality adjectives (calm, optimistic, intelligent, patient, etc.)

Objects also have qualities of size, material, color, etc.


Verb estar: states of the subject


You’ll experience an explosion of colour and interactive activities whilst the verb 'estar' we express states of being. States depend on different circumstances, and that is why they are usually temporary.

El meaning of being In this aspect it covers mood states, such as emotions (angry, sad, happy, bored) or also physical states (tired, weak, sick).

These adjectives are supposed to be temporary and won't be around forever.

Although it is true that some stay permanently.


Adjectives that go with the verb to be


We start now with the adjectives that go with the verb "ser"

These adjectives often confuse students.ianyou, and many times they don't know if they go with to be

What we are going to see now are qualities of people, things, situations, etc. That's why they go only with "ser".

They are the following.




A loyal person shows faithfulness to his loved ones and companions, He would never speak ill of them behind their backs or betray them.

Unfair is the opposite. You can't trust someone who is disloyal because you never know when they are going to betray you according to their interests.

For example:

  • Rodrigo es a friend loyal that is always there when you need it.
  • With that selfish action, he demonstrated be disloyal to his entire team.


Be famous. Hispania, escuela de español




public persons that everyone knows like singers, actors, footballers, etc.

  • Antonio Banderas es the most spanish actor famous.




adjective of person with sharp mental abilities and a lot of reasoning ability. That is to say, smart person.

  • Sofia is smart. He always gets good grades in exams.




Something important is a matter that has a lot of relevance and valuable meaning.

  • The education it is very important for the development of a society.




The adjective absurd refers to something illogical and stupid, which doesn't make any sense.

  • The idea of ​​wanting to get rich playing games of chance it's absurd. It's easier to lose than win.




Both thing required means that it is essential and urgent.

Therefore, unnecessary It is something that is not important or that should not be done.

  • Necessary Study to get good results on exams.
  • In my opinion, spending a lot of money on accessories it is unnecessary.




Person who supports an idea or cause. This is one of the verbs with adjective which are said like this: be a supporter of + noun / verb.

  • Marta is a partisan of environmental conservation. Organize events and conferences to raise awareness among people.


It is mandatory to do the security check. Hispania, escuela de español




required It is something that has to be done no matter what, a rule that everyone has to follow.

This adjective is one of the ones that causes the most problems. Many people believe that they go with 'estar', but no, it goes with him the verb "ser".

  • To get on the plane, It is required go through security check.




Something that is typical of nature, that is not artificial.

  • This mountainous landscape es completely natural. That's why it's so beautiful.




Opposite to another idea, action, situation or to what another person says.

  • Our political ideas they are contrary to yours.


Adjectives that go with the verb estar


Next, we present the Adjective list that are going always with him the verb 'estar' vocabulary. Let's see them!




It is said when something has completely occupied its space, such as a glass, a jug, a room, etc.

  • The meeting room it's therelena. There's no room for anyone else.




Emptiness It is the complete opposite. Something that has no content and that is totally free.

  • The glass it was empty after drinking all the water.


Be happy. Hispania, escuela de español




It is a state similar to that of joy and happiness.

  • Laura she is happy because he has won the competition.




Person/Subject mentally unbalanced or that he does not do things considered normal.

This adjective usually causes problems. Is crazy a permanent or temporary adjective? Many times it is permanent, right? 

Still, it always goes with 'estar'. Although it is not temporary, sometimes there are exceptions, and this is one.

  • ¿You're crazy? How are you going to go out in short sleeves when it's so cold?




Something that has been damaged and it is not in its original condition or does not work well. It can be used for objects and body parts.

  • I dropped my phone down the stairs yesterday and that's why it's broken.
  • His leg it's broken due to a work accident.




Something that it's free to be used or accessed, such as a seat, a space, or a doctor's appointment.

  • Next Friday the doctor available in the morning. Shall we make an appointment?




Person who does not wear any clothes.

  • This beach is nudist. That is, you can be naked.


Worried / Carefree


It is a state of nervousness or concern about a situation that makes you uncomfortable or that seems dangerous to you.

  •  I'm worried for the job interview I have tomorrow.

Instead, carefree It's quite the opposite. It is a state of tranquility and without any worries.


The cat is angry. Hispania, escuela de español


Pissed off


State Bad mood for something that bothers us or we perceive as an attack or negligence.

  • I am angry because you almost crashed into me. Be more careful when you drive!




To be obsessed with something means to be completely absorbed on a thought or idea and not dedicate yourself to something else. 

In general, it is considered something negative.

  • She is obsessed with buying a new house. Every day he spends hours looking for apartments.


We have already seen the 20 adjectives. Now it's time for you to practice!


activity to practice


In the following activity, you must drag the adjective to the corresponding sentence. Look at the context and the verb, if it is to be.

Are there more adjectives with be and be

Of course! But we can't put them all in one article because it would be too long.

If you want to continue expandingiangiven your knowledge on this topic, we advise you to come to Hispania, escuela de español and learn the language with us.

What other adjectives can only go with "ser" and with 'estar'

If you know some, write them in the comments and we will tell you if they are correct or not.

Have a nice day!


Article written by Carlos Martínez for Hispania, escuela de español. 

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