10 Songs to cheer up Blue Monday. Hispania, escuela de español
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10 songs in Spanish to cheer up and brighten your Blue Monday

How is the beginning of the year going? 

We hope you are taking it with a lot of motivation and with many new projects.

Despite the initial enthusiasm of the first days of the new year, did you know that after two weeks there is usually a emotional downturn?

If it has happened to you, don't worry. It's quite normal. 

This phenomenon is called Blue Monday and usually occurs around 15th of January for several reasons:

  • The Christmas holidays and family gatherings are over and we have to get back to our routine.
  • Winter hits harder and we may face the coldest days of the year.
  • Maybe we have spent eating nougat and polka dots at Christmas and then the regrets come 😰.

¿How to combat sadness of Blue Monday, the one cataloged as el saddest day of the year?

We have the solution to do it: listening to the happiest songs in Spanish!

Music makes hearts happy and today we are going to introduce you 10 beautiful songs and animated to brighten your Blue Monday.

Music is a very good source of learning Spanish. It is a great listening comprehension exercise that you always have at your disposal.

Would you like to improve your Spanish in a short time? Then we recommend that you come to our classes in Hispania, escuela de español.

In our Spanish courses You will be able to learn with qualified teachers. 

You will study the language in all communication skills, with special focus on the part oral communicative.

Additionally, you can make your custom schedule and adapt the classes perfectly to your life, since We offer courses both in the morning and in the afternoon.

Let's get back to the topic. Do you want to know what are the 10 best songs in Spanish for gladden our hearts? 🤗

Let's find out. But first, we want to explain to you why music generates happiness and It is good for learning Spanish.

It's very interesting!


Boy singing in the car. Hispania, escuela de español

Image by Shutterstock


Why can music help combat Blue Monday and improve your level of Spanish? 


Music has a powerful effect on our emotions.

Music has the ability to evoke memories and emotions

By listening to a song we like, we can transport ourselves to happy and energetic moments, which counteracts the feeling of sadness tasks in the Blue Monday.

Furthermore, music is capable of stimulating the endorphin release in our brain, known as the happiness hormones. 

Therefore, it is really useful to music for depression.

Songs with lively and energetic rhythms, like the genres pop, rock or Latin music, can stimulate dance and movement, which also helps increase feeling of vitality.

On the other hand, there are also songs that you help to learn spanish for many reasons:

  • Exposure to pronunciation and intonation: Listening to music in Spanish exposes you to different accents, pronunciations and intonations. This will improve your ability to understand the language in a real and natural way. 
  • Everyday vocabulary and expressionsianas: the lyrics of the songs are loaded with everyday vocabulary and expressionsianas they are used daily and that will enrich your language. 
  • Contextual grammar: Songs also provide examples of grammar. You can observe how grammatical structures and tenses are used in specific contexts.
  • Culturally enriching: Music is a cultural expression, and by immersing yourself in Spanish songs, you also immerse yourself in Spanish-speaking culture. This way you will have a deeper vision of the Hispanic world. 


List of the 10 best songs in Spanish to combat Blue Monday


Now, yes, we present to you our selection of the 10 top songs in Spanish to get over Blue Monday.

¡Vamos allá!

The lie (Dani Martín)


The lie by Dani Martín It is a song that invites you to leave behind the personal insecurities and face reality with courage and optimism.

At world of social media in which we live, this song makes a lot of sense.

Talk about the people's facades, how we try to appear cooler than we really are or how we always try to show that our life is very happy and llena of intensity.

But, as the song title says, all that is a lie

If your Blue Monday is aggravated because you compare yourself to apparently super successful people on Instagram, listen to this song and you'll see how it cheers you up.

You came into my life (Edurne)


You came to my life by Edurne is one of songs to combat the saddest day of the year by how celebrate love and inspires us to value the people who come into our lives.

You’ll also talks about the fears we can feel when we think we are not up to par with someone, and how to deal with them.

You came to my life It is an ode to love and one of the most romantic spanish songs of the last years.

A curiosity about this song in the grammatical aspect is the repeated use of the gerund to talk about the way in which something is done.

For example, at the beginning of the lyrics, the singer says: 

  • «You came to my life putting me the wind in favor, changing it everything, stealing from me hours of sleep, sneaking in in all my dreams...»

Those gerund verbs express how this loved person came to the singer's life, with those actions. 

Also, notice that almost everyone also has personal pronouns right after the gerunds.

This song is very interesting to learn Spanish!

Mother Earth (Chayanne)


It is impossible that this song does not generate you a good energy shot in the saddest monday of the year

Both its rhythm and its lyrics are happy and enormously optimistic.

Chayanne speaks in this song of live life intensely, with all the senses, since life is only one and we must take advantage of it.

It also gives very wise advice to be happy, such as not worrying too much about things or not hurting others if we don't want them to hurt us.

This song also has interesting things about grammar. 

The Puerto Rican singer throws us in his chorus some imperatives which serve as very direct advice. What are these imperatives? 

We invite you to listen to the song and discover them for yourself. Write them in the comments and we will tell you if they are correct or not 😉

On air (Morat)


Into the air is another cBlue Monday song that speaks of amorousness from a romantic and happy perspective.

Despite that Morat He states in the lyrics that he never saw this girl he liked so much again, the song conveys good vibes, because love is the most beautiful thing that exists.

On the other hand, Into the air is a song very interesting to learn Spanish due to the use of present subjunctive

The subjunctive is a verbal mood that begins to be seen in the B1 level grammar and that will always accompany you on this beautiful journey of learning Spanish.

If you notice, the way the subjunctive is used in the song is always the same: wishes for another person.

We just talked about this in the article about how to express wishes in Spanish.

We saw the structure of two subjects and two verbs when we express wishes for other people. In this structure, the second verb is always in the subjunctive.

The structure is like this:


Since we are expressing wishes, the verb 1 will be a verb of desire: want, desire or hope.

In the song we have many examples with this structure:

  • I want her know that I fell in love.
  • I want her I heard on the radio my air kisses.

It is true that in the song there is also a lot of omission of the subject 1 and the verb 1, but it's still the same, wishes.

This is done because it has already been mentioned verb want and it is understood that they are still the singer's wishes.

For example: 

  • I want her to know that I fell in love, that I heard somewhere, that you remember from my…

A boomerang (Fangoria)


a boomerang by Fangoria is one of songs to overcome Blue Monday most curious on this list.

It is a song that talks about empowerment What a person has when they know what they want. 

We really like your rimas. If you notice, practically all the sentences end in infinitives with -ar, -ir, nouns with -dad or words that end with vowel -í.

A song with a very particular style that will surely surprise you.

Give him an oportunity!

The old boxer (Marwan)


This is one of the most beautiful spanish songs that was published in the past year 2023 .

With a strong style poetic and honest, the singer tells us about the traps of fame, how that hasn't really made him happy and how he has remained the same person as always.

The artist repeats numerous times in the song: "I never change", using the Simple future to talk about what he will do in the future.

He also resorts to pretérito indefinido to talk about his past and his career in the music industry.

If you want to listen to a nice song and practice the use of past and future in Spanish, The old boxer It is perfect for you.

Life is a carnival (Celia Cruz)


Life is a party by Celia Cruz It is a classic of Spanish-speaking music.

There are few songs with good vibes that transmit so much love for life how are you.

For the singer, when we dance and sing, all problems dissipate and life is enjoyed more:

«Life is beautiful, you have to live it.

There is no need to cry,

that life is a carnival

and it is more beautiful to live singing».

In this song you will better understand how to use the relative clauses with subjunctive.

Celia repeats the following structure throughout the entire letter: 


For example: 

  • Everyone who exceeding think that this will never change, you have to know that it is not like that.
  • Everyone who let him think that life is always cruel, you have to know that it is not like that.

Why is the subjunctive used?

Because they are sentences that give information about people that Celia Cruz really does not know.

If they were known, the indicative mood would be used.

You have changed me (Mumbai)


This is another of the Blue Monday songs that cannot be missing from this list.  

Sometimes we feel bad, on the edge of the abyss, and a person comes and takes us out of there.

you have changed me talks about how people are necessary in life and can help us help in our worst moments.

This is an example of a super funky and upbeat idea songl to practice the past in spanish

The singer uses the pretérito indefinidoon the past Perfect y the perfect to narrate the moment he met that person who saved him.

Are you having difficulties with these times? Listen to the song as many times as necessary and try to write the past tense verbs that Bombai sings.

Then look for the letter and see if you got them right. Luck!

Salta (Tequila)


Salta is another brilliant classic of Spanish music.

The Tequila group encouraged the hearts of all Spaniards with Salta in 1981.

Since then the song is still valid today and continues to be essential in all great party.

It is what we call in Spanish a youth song, which is about partying, clubbing, flirting and enthusiasm for life in general. 

If you want to spend a Blue Monday fun, listen to this song and… Jump! Jump without stopping!

Live my life (Marc Anthony)


We finish this list with one of our favorite songs. We usually put Vivir mi vida by Marc Anthony en our spanish classes.

why do we like it so much? 

The answer is simple: it is one of the songs in Spanish more energetic and with more good vibes that exists today.

Throughout the song, the singer tells us all the actions he is going to do to enjoy life with the future structure «go to + infinitive»

It is impossible not to be infected by the happiness and positive energy that it projects. Marc Anthony in this song. A real gem!

And this has been all, with these songs there will be no Blue Monday May it sink you, we assure you!

Check them all out notes on grammar What we have told you so that your listening is more productive 🙌🏻.

Would you like to delve deeper into Spanish grammar? stop by Hispania, escuela de español. 

Here we are experts in teaching grammar in a dynamic and totally practical way so that you can use it when you speak.

Do you know more songs in Spanish that are ideal for cheering up a sad day?

If so, put them in the comments for our readers to hear.

Have a nice time!


Article written by Carlos Martínez for Hispania, escuela de español

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